JVM Advent

The JVM Programming Advent Calendar

Type You An Actor Runtime For Greater Good! (with Java 17, records, switch expressions and JBang)

The festive season is that period of the year when they tempt you to indulge in those dear sweet, sugary treats.

Personally, as an Italian, I do love me some panettone. And as much as I enjoy the bitter taste of Java coffee, I have been enjoying the sugar that has been introduced in the most recent versions. Indeed, I believe that Java 17 really hits the sweet spot, when it comes to treats. So what better time of the year to indulge in Java’s sweet, sweet sugar than this December?

Whimsical sketch of Shakespeare, wearing a Xmas hat

In the last couple of months I published a blog series with my take on Viktor Klang’s original tiny Java and Scala actor system, updated for Java 17.

Untyped actors in the style of Akka Classic used to be clunky to write in Java, because Java used to lack some key goodies:

  1. a concise way to express messages; but now we have records
  2. a tidy syntax to match against the types of the incoming messages; but now we have switch expressions and pattern matching

Another key addition is sealed type hierarchies. If you are able to express the upper bound of your type hierarchy, and such a type hierarchy is “sealed”, then the compiler will tell you if you are missing a case in a switch expression (exhaustiveness check).

For instance:

sealed interface A {
    record X() implements A{} 
    record Y() implements A{}

    static void f(A a) {
        switch (a) {
            case X x -> {}

If you put this in A.java and run it with java --enable-preview --source 17 A.java you’ll read:

A.java:6: error: the switch statement does not cover all possible input values
        switch (a) {

In my previous blog posts I have detailed how to develop an actor runtime for untyped actors; that is, actors that can accept any kind of message. In this part we are rewriting that actor runtime from scratch and implement a typed actor runtime, and we will see how sealed type hierarchies can improve the code we write!

  1. The Actor Model
  2. Implementing The Actor System
  3. Wrapping Up

This is the full listing of our typed actor runtime. You can also find it at this repository:

package io.github.evacchi;

import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public interface TypedActor {
    interface Effect extends Function<Behavior, Behavior> {}
    interface Behavior extends Function<T, Effect> {}
    interface Address { void tell(T msg); }
    static  Effect Become(Behavior next) { return current -> next; }
    static  Effect Stay() { return current -> current; }
    static  Effect Die() { 
       return Become(msg -> { 
          out.println("Dropping msg [" + msg + "] due to severe case of death."); 
          return Stay(); 
    record System(Executor executor) {
        public  Address actorOf(Function<Address, Behavior> initial) {
            abstract class AtomicRunnableAddress implements Address, Runnable
                { AtomicInteger on = new AtomicInteger(0); }
            return new AtomicRunnableAddress() {
                // Our awesome little mailbox, free of blocking and evil
                final ConcurrentLinkedQueue mbox = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
                Behavior behavior = initial.apply(this);
                public void tell(T msg) { mbox.offer(msg); async(); }  
                public void run() {
                    try { if (on.get() == 1) { T m = (T) mbox.poll(); 
                         if (m != null) 
                              behavior = behavior.apply(m).apply(behavior); }
                    } finally { on.set(0); async(); }
                void async() {
                    if (!mbox.isEmpty() && on.compareAndSet(0, 1)) {
                        try { executor.execute(this); } 
                        catch (Throwable t) { on.set(0); throw t; }

But before we get to that, let us learn more about what it does.

The Actor Model

The Actor Model is a concurrency model where the unit of execution is called an actor. An actor receives messages. In response to a message, an actor may (e.g. cf. Wikipedia):

  • send a message to another actor
  • create new actors
  • transition to a new state, with a different behavior, to handle the next message

Behaviors and Effects

The behavior of an actor is just a function that, applied to a message, returns another behavior.

Actors usually encapsulate state; thus, as a side-effect, the behavior function usually updates the state of the actor; it may send other messages to other actors, and creates new actors to handle new state.

For instance, you will have noticed how most web platforms allow you to export the content you have created; but most of them will start a background process and will notify you later when the archive is ready; for instance, by sending a link to your e-mail address.

When the service receives your “export” request, an actor may be responsible for acknowledging your request immediately; but it may spawn another actor to process the request in the background.

Diagram of an HTTP Request

At its core, an actor is just a routine paired with a message queue. But instead of evaluating the routine as soon as a message is sent, the system submits a message to the queue of the receiver. Then, at some point, the system “wakes up” that actor: it takes one message from the queue, and it applies the routine to that message.

The routine returns a description of the next state of the actor; i.e. the routine that should be executed when a new message is evaluated.

Such a routine is called a behavior, and in code, the Behavior can be defined as a function that takes a message of some type, and it returns a transition between states that we call an Effect:

Behavior : T ⟶ Effect

where T is some known type.

An Effect describes a transition between two states of the actor. It can be represented as a function that takes the current Behavior and returns the next Behavior:

Effect : Behavior ⟶ Behavior

In code, we may write them as:

interface Behavior<T> extends Function<T, Effect<T>> {} interface Effect<T> extends Function<Behavior<T>, Behavior<T>>{}

The most basic Effects (state transitions) are Stay and Die:

  • Stay means no behavioral change
  • Die will effectively turn off the actor, making it inactive.

For instance, this is a valid behavior for an actor that starts, then waits for one message, then it dies: i.e., it will drop and ignore all subsequent messages and/or the system may decide to collect it and throw it away.

Effect<String> receiveThenDie(String msg) { 
  out.println("Got msg: '" + msg + "'; length: " + msg.length()); 
  return TypedActor.Die(); 
or written differently:
Behavior<String> receiveThenDie = msg -> { 
  out.println("Got msg '" + msg + "'; length: " + msg.length());     
  return TypedActor.Die(); 

Example 1: A Hello World

You can run the following example with:

j! https://github.com/evacchi/min-java-actors/blob/main/src/main/java/io/github/evacchi/typed/examples/HelloWorld.java

In this example we will create an actor system, then spawn an actor that will process one message and then Die. You will recognize the behavior receiveThenDie that we defined above.

// create an actor runtime (an actor "system")
var actorSystem = new Actor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
// create an actor
Address actor = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> {
    out.println("self: " + self +"; got msg: '" + msg + "'; length: " + msg.length());
    return Actor.Die();

The actorOf method returns an Address<T> which is defined as follows:

interface Address<T> { Address<T> tell(T msg); }

allowing us to write:


or just:


which, when executed, prints the following:

self: io.github.evacchi.TypedActor$System$1@24a95c2e; got msg 'foo'; length, 3 
Dropping msg [foo] due to severe case of death.

because the "bar" message was sent to a dead actor.

If we change the lambda to return stay instead:

Address<String> actor = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> {
    out.println("self: " + self +"; got msg: '" + msg + "'; length: " + msg.length());
    return Stay();

then the output would read:

self: io.github.evacchi.TypedActor$System$1@7519a17c; got msg: 'foo'; length: 3 
self: io.github.evacchi.TypedActor$System$1@7519a17c; got msg: 'bar'; length: 3

You may define Stay as:

static <T> Effect<T> Stay() { return current -> current; }

that is, a transition from the current behavior to the current behavior (i.e. it stays in the same state.)

Die is defined as:

static <T> Effect<T> Die() { 
  return Become(msg -> {
         "Dropping msg [" + msg + "] due to "+
         "severe case of death."); 
      return Stay(); 

where Become is:

static Effect<T> Become(Behavior<T> next) { return current -> next; }

i.e. Become is a method, that, given a Behavior returns an effect. And that effect is taking the current behavior and returning the next one.

Thus, Die is just an effect that takes the prev behavior and returns the behavior to drop all messages, and then Stays in that state.

With the exception of Become, which takes a parameter (next), you may be wondering why Stay and Die are not constant fields:

static Effect<T> Stay = return current -> current;

You may be wondering what self is. self is a self-reference to the actor. It serves the same purpose as this in a class. Because the behavior is written as a function, we need to “seed” a reference to this into the function. But there is no this until the actor is actually created by the runtime, so we provide it in the closure, so that it may be filled lazily.

If this is not too clear, don’t worry for now; we’ll get to that later.

Use of Types

If you are familiar with the untyped version, you’ll remember that’s how we did it at that time. However, the key here is that little <T> up there. We have to use a method to let the compiler infer the T.

Notice how that little T in the definition of Behavior makes a huge difference: an untyped actor system would be defined as:

interface Behavior extends Function<Object, Effect> {}
interface Effect extends Function<Behavior, Behavior> {}
interface Address { Address tell(Object message); }

So the actor itself would be written:

Address actor = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> {
    out.println("self: " + self +"; got msg: '" + msg + "'; length: " + msg.length());
    return Actor.Die();

This would not compile, because msg has now type Object and length() is no longer a known method:

  error: cannot find symbol
            out.println("self: " + self +"; got msg '" + msg + "'; length: " + msg.length());
  symbol:   method length()
  location: variable msg of type Object

unless you check its type:

Behavior receiveThenDie = msg -> {
    if (msg instanceof String) {
        var s = (String) msg;
        out.println("self: " + self +"; got msg: '" + s + "'; length: " + s.length());
    } else {
        // handle the non-String message
    return Actor.Die();

or, more concisely:

    if (msg instanceof String s) {
        out.println("self: " + self +"; got msg: '" + s + "'; length: " + s.length());

The concise version uses Pattern Matching for instanceof, delivered in JDK 14 (JEP-305). It allows you to check against a type, and get a typed variable out of it if the check passes, all in one line.

Example 2: Ping Pong

You can run the following example with:

j! https://github.com/evacchi/min-java-actors/blob/main/src/main/java/io/github/evacchi/typed/examples/PingPong.java

An actor routine usually accepts more than one type of messages. It is therefore useful to match against all the accepted subtypes.

This is where switch expressions, records and sealed types are useful.

A drawing of two ping-pong rackets playing Xmas balls

In a classic actor example, one actor sends a “ping” to another; the second replies with a “pong”, and they go on back and forth.

In order to make this more interesting (and also not to loop indefinitely):

  • one of the actors (the ponger) will receive Ping and reply with Pong;
  • it will also count 10 Pings, then Die;
  • upon reaching 10 and before it Dies, the pinger will also send a message (DeadlyPong) to the ponger
  • the pinger receives Ping and replies with Pong
  • when it receives a DeadlyPong it Dies.

In the untyped version of this program, the messages do not need to be defined in a hierarchy. But in the typed version, a tiny hierarchy of sealed records will make the code shorter.

There is only one type of Ping:

record Ping(Address<Pong> sender) {}

the sender of such messages is able to receive Pongs. Now, we said that there are two types of Pongs:

record SimplePong(Address sender) {}
record DeadlyPong(Address sender) {}
And they are in the same hierarchy, so let us define the interface Pong:
interface Pong {}
record SimplePong(Address sender) implements Pong {}
record DeadlyPong(Address sender) implements Pong {}

Both messages are sent by the actor that is able to receive Pings.

void static void main(String... args) {
    var actorSystem = new TypedActor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
    Address ponger = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> pongerBehavior(self, msg, 0));
    Address pinger = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> pingerBehavior(self, msg));
    ponger.tell(new Ping(pinger));
static Effect pongerBehavior(Address self, Ping msg, int counter) {
    if (counter < 10) { out.println("ping! 👉"); msg.sender().tell(new SimplePong(self)); return Become(m -> pongerBehavior(self, m, counter + 1));
    } else {
        out.println("ping! 💀");
        msg.sender().tell(new DeadlyPong(self));
        return Die();
static Effect pingerBehavior(Address self, Pong msg) {
    return switch (msg) {
        case SimplePong p -> {
            out.println("pong! 👈");
            p.sender().tell(new Ping(self));
            yield Stay();
        case DeadlyPong p -> {
            out.println("pong! 😵");
            p.sender().tell(new Ping(self));
            yield Die();

This prints the following:

ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 👉
pong! 👈
ping! 💀
pong! 😵
Dropping msg [Ping[sender=io.github.evacchi.TypedActor$System$1@21198648]] due to severe case of death.

Use of Types

If you are familiar with the untyped version, you’ll remember that the pingerBehavior needed a default clause: that’s because, as we learned previously, the signature for Behavior was Function<Object,Effect>: we had to handle and ignore messages that were not Pongs!

Because the signature is now effectively Function<Pong, Effect<Pong>> the compiler knows that only messages from the Pong hierarchy may be received; thus, we don’t need to add a default clause!

Likewise pongerBehavior defined a switch expression too. In the typed version, however, the switch is made entirely redundant:

static Effect pongerBehavior(Address self, Ping msg, int counter) {
    return switch (msg) {
        case Ping p && counter < 10 -> {
            out.println("ping! 👉");
            p.sender().tell(new SimplePong(self));
            yield Become(m -> pongerBehavior(self, m, counter + 1));
        case Ping p -> {
            out.println("ping! 💀");
            p.sender().tell(new DeadlyPong(self));
            yield Die();

because the signature is Function<Ping, Effect<Ping>> and we don’t need a default clause, both caseclauses are matching against a Ping; thus, the entire switch is effectively equivalent to a simple if/else!

Closures vs Classes

Notice how the traditional way to increase a counter is to create a closure with the value:

void static void main(String... args) {
    var ponger = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> pongerBehavior(self, msg, 0));
static Effect pongerBehavior(Address self, Ping msg, int counter) {
    return switch (msg) {
        case Ping p && counter < 10 -> {
            yield Become(m -> pongerBehavior(self, m, counter + 1));

However, a similar effect could be achieved with mutable state; this is perfectly acceptable, because the state of an actor is guaranteed to execute in a thread-safe environment. In this case we could have written:

void run() {
    var ponger = actorSystem.actorOf(StatefulPonger::new);
class StatefulPonger implements Behavior {
    Address self; int counter = 0;
    StatefulPonger(Address self) { this.self = self; }
    public Effect apply(Ping msg) {
        if (counter < 10) {
            out.println("ping! 👉");
            msg.sender().tell(new SimplePong(self));
            return Stay();
        } else {
            out.println("ping! 💀");
            msg.sender().tell(new DeadlyPong(self));
            return Die();

Example 3: A Vending Machine

You can run the following example with:

j! https://github.com/evacchi/min-java-actors/blob/main/src/main/java/io/github/evacchi/typed/examples/VendingMachine.java
A drawing of a Xmas vending machine

In the previous example, we saw how we to use actors and Become to maintain mutable state (the counter). In this example we will show how to use Become to change the behavior of an actor, realizing a *state machines.

A classic example of a state machine is the vending machine.

For instance, we may write a vending machine that requires you to insert an amount of 100 before you can choose an item.

Diagram of the State Machine

We will define two actors, vendingMachine and itemPicker, to simulate that, once the amount of 100 has been reached, and the customer has made their choice, some subroutine will take care of the mechanical arm that selects the item and dispenses it to them.

The messages:

interface VendMessage {}
record Coin(int amount) implements VendMessage {
    public Coin {
        if (amount < 1 && amount > 100)
            throw new AssertionError("1 <= amount < 100");
record Choice(String product) implements VendMessage {}

we use the record constructor to ensure that the invariant that 1 <= amount < 100 is respected.

There is also the message Vended that it is only for private communication between the itemPicker and the vendingMachine:

record Vended(String product) implements VendMessage {}

it is meant for the itemPicker to notify when it is done releasing the item, and the vendingMachine may return to its initial state.

TypedActor.System sys = new TypedActor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());

Address vendingMachine = sys.actorOf(self -> initial(self));
Address itemPicker = sys.actorOf(self -> msg -> itemPicker(msg));

The behaviors may be defined as follows:

Behavior initial(Address self) {
    return message -> {
        if (message instanceof Coin c) {
            out.printf("Received first coin: %d\n", c.amount());
            return Become(waitCoin(self, c.amount()));
        } else return Stay(); // ignore message, stay in this state
Behavior waitCoin(Address self, int accumulator) {
    out.printf("Budget updated: %d\n", accumulator);
    return m -> switch (m) {
        case Coin c && accumulator + c.amount() < 100 ->
                Become(waitCoin(self, accumulator + c.amount()));
        case Coin c ->
                Become(vend(self, accumulator + c.amount()));
        default -> Stay();
Behavior vend(Address self, int total) {
    out.printf("Pick an Item! (Budget: %d)\n", total);
    return message -> switch(message) {
        case Choice c -> {
            releaseChange(total - 100);
            yield Stay();
        case Vended v -> Become(initial(self));
        default -> Stay(); // ignore message, stay in this state

and the itemPicker:

Effect itemPicker(Choice message) {
    vendingMachine.tell(new Vended(message.product()));
    return Stay();

vendProduct and releaseChange are just printing a message, but we may imagine that they do something costly and complicated:

void vendProduct(String product) { out.printf("VENDING: %s\n", product); }
void releaseChange(int change) { out.printf("CHANGE: %s\n", %d); }

now, if we send a series of coins, and then our choice:

vendingMachine.tell(new Coin(50))
              .tell(new Coin(40))
              .tell(new Coin(30))
              .tell(new Choice("Chocolate"));

We will read the following output:

Received first coin: 50
Budget updated: 50
Budget updated: 90
Pick an Item! (Budget: 120)
VENDING: Chocolate

Use of Types

Notice how we had to add a default clause in the waitCoin and vend states (the initial state had an elseclause), because, every behavior is of type Behavior<VendMessage>, which means we need to handle any message in the VendMessage hierarchy, even when that does not make sense in that state. For instance, a Coinmessage does not make sense in the vend state.

However, the itemPicker has type Address<Choice> because that’s the only type of message it will ever be able to receive. This allows use to avoid ifs or switches!

Implementing The Actor System

We are now ready to implement the actor system and execution environment. We define the actorOf() method on a TypedActor.System class.


public interface TypedActor {
    class System {
        Executor executor;
        public System(Executor executor) { this.executor = executor; }
        public Address actorOf(Function<Address, Behavior> initial) {
           // ... references the executor ...

However, in order to keep the number of lines down, we can abuse the record construct so that we don’t have to write an explicit constructor:

record System(Executor executor) {
    public  Address actorOf(Function<Address, Behavior> initial) {
        // ... references the executor ...

We now need to define an anonymous class implementing both the Address<T> and the Runnable interface:

record System(Executor executor) {
    public  Address actorOf(Function<Address, Behavior> initial) {
        return new Address, Runnable {

however… that is not valid Java syntax!. What we can do instead, is leveraging another under-used feature of Java: local classes; i.e. a class that is local to the body of a method:

record System(Executor executor) {
    public  Address actorOf(Function<Address, Behavior> initial) {
        abstract class AtomicRunnableAddress implements Address, Runnable
            { AtomicInteger on = new AtomicInteger(0); }
        return new AtomicRunnableAddress<>() {

which makes AtomicRunnableAddress private to that method (which is all we need). We will use the AtomicInteger to turn on and off the actor; we now create our object:

return new AtomicRunnableAddress() {
    // the mailbox is just a concurrent queue
    final ConcurrentLinkedQueue mbox = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
    // current behavior is a mutable field.  
    // the initial behavior applies the `initial` function to `this`, seeding `self` reference to the initial behavior
    Behavior behavior = initial.apply(this);

Here is the reason why our actors are created with this strange curried function:

var actor = system.actorOf(self -> msg -> ...);

the signature for the initial behavior is really: Function<Address<T>, Behavior<T>> which “expands” to

Function<Address, Function<T, Effect>>

or, to write it in a possibly more readable format:

Address -> T -> Effect
// self -> msg -> ...

The reason why we write it this way is so that the Function<T, Effect<T> (i.e. the Behavior<T>) can reference self. As we saw in Example 2: Ping Pong this is often equivalent to writing a class that takes an Address<T> in its constructor. And that is because “a closure is a poor man’s object; an object is a poor man’s closure”.

When the actor starts we initialize the Behavior<T> to a reference to this:

Behavior behavior = initial.apply(this);

Let us now take a look at the tell() method; at its core we may write it as:

public Address tell(Object msg) {
    // put message in the mailbox
    return this;

The async method verifies that the mbox contains an element and schedules the actor for execution on the Executor.

void async() {
    // if the mbox is non-empty and the actor is active
    if (!mb.isEmpty() && on.getAndSet(1) == 0)) {
        // schedule to run on the Executor 
        try { executor.execute(this); }
        // in case of error deactivate the actor and rethrow the exception
        catch (Throwable t) { on.set(0); throw t; }

In order to be schedulable, the actor must be a Runnable, so here is the run() method:

    public void run() {
        try {
          // if it is active 
          if (on.get() == 1) 
            behavior = 
              behavior.apply(mbox.poll()) // apply the behavior to the top of the mailbox
                .apply(behavior); // as a result an Effect is returned: 
                                  // apply it to the current behavior
                                  // it returns the next behavior (which overwrites the old in the assignment) 
        } finally { on.set(0); async(); } // deactivate and resume if necessary

Use of Types

In the original version we initialized the self address by telling the actor its own Address. This is doable in this version too, and it’s preferrable, because it allows the initial behavior to be run asynchronously.

In this version, for simplicity, we are initializing the Behavior<T> immediately:

Behavior behavior = initial.apply(this);

However, that also means that, if initial performs a costly operation, it will be executed at creation time; while, in the original version]first-part, it would be evaluated when the first message (the Address) would be initially received, making it asynchronous.

However, in its simplest implementation, this requires an untyped mailbox (i.e. ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Object>), which would then require nasty casts. Try developing your own version, limiting the amount of hacks!

Wrapping It Up

I hope you liked this long blog post! Together we implemented a tiny typed actor system, and we saw how to realize a few smaller use cases.

If you have read this far, congratulations! You deserve some panettone too!

If you would like to challenge yourself, try implementing a tiny chat system by following along the untyped version!

Author: Edoardo Vacchi

After my PhD at University of Milan on programming language design and implementation, I worked for three years at UniCredit Bank’s R&D department.

Later, I have joined Red Hat where I worked on the Drools rule engine, the jBPM workflow engine and the Kogito cloud-native business automation platform.

I joined Tetrate to work on the wazero WebAssembly runtime for Go.

Now, at Dylibso I still contribute to and wazero, and I am now also working on Chicory Wasm runtime for the JVM, and other runtimes!

I sometimes write on my own personal blog.

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