JVM Advent

The JVM Programming Advent Calendar


Page 11 of 14

Java: The Brave Companion in the World of Enterprise Software Solutions!

Events: Love Triangle in Integration Testing

Contract Testing and PACT in Java

Portable Serverless Functions with Java (and Quarkus)

Java, migrations argh #@! and now Large Language Models

Wasm 4 the Java Geek 3: Electric Boogaloo

5 cool applications you can build with Java and GraalVM

Introduction to Event Sourcing

A Java Developer’s View of the World of e-Commerce 

Exploring Event Streaming and Multi Agentic Approach for Generative AI Workflows

Bridging the Gap: Full-Stack Development Without the Headaches

Peering through the peephole: build a peephole optimiser using the new Java Class-File API

Java in the Small

JVM in the Age of AI: A Bird’s-Eye View for the Mechanical Sympathizers

The journey of providing Kotlin bindings for GitHub Actions

CQRS meets modern Java

The art of static code analysis

OpenTelemetry Tracing on Spring Boot, Java Agent vs. Micrometer Tracing

Coding for fun: An experiment with Virtual Threads, JavaFX, and Music

Leveraging JUnit5 Extensions for Greater Flexibility

Optimizing Santa’s Travels with Timefold Solver

Peaceful and Bright Future of Integrity by Default in Java

Streamlining Java Development with Backstage: A Guide to Software Templates

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