![]() |
A snapshot of the ffmpeg visualisation for the Goldberg Variations as synthesised by Sonic Field. |
Art And Programming Collide: An Introduction To The Post
Whilst there are a number of ways of making music with Java, as far as I can tell, Sonic Field is the only fully fledged, end to end synthesis system written in pure Java (no JNI and no call out to native servers etc.) which does not use the Javax Synthesiser extensions (so does not rely on the operating system to supply the actual synthesis engine).
Also, in many other ways, its heavy weight, uncompromisingly mathematical approach to music is unique. This project has consumed far too much of my time for the better part of three years; what can be said about this ab-initio synthesis system in just one post and what can we learn about Java programming from the project?
- Why write a mathematical engine in Java?
- Why control it from a dynamic language (Python)?
- Why make music using programs at all?
- Why use ab-initio synthesis (and what is it)?
Maybe, most interesting of all:
- Why is large scale musical mathematics so computationally demanding?
Sonic Field and how to achieve complex audio synthesis on the JVM proved to be too large a subject for one post. I have am extremely lucky to have been given chance to make two. This post is the hard work; we will cover the difficult subjects like threading, memory management and some digital audio concepts. The next post is a lot more fun; it will look at why I chose Python and some thoughts on creativity.
Now let us look at how digital sounds is represented and manipulated.
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The spectrogram of the piece of music I rendered with Sonic Field for the Java Advent Calendar |
A quick note on licensing: Sonic Field is free as freedom:
Sonic Field Audio Processing And Synthesis Program
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Dr Alexander J Turner
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Why samples are a challenge:
![]() |
At the beginning of our piece we can see that even a complex note is made from bands of frequencies. |
Each frequency will be slightly less intense then the one beneath (usually) but they are all there. Now let us just consider 4400 or 8800; what happens when we pass that through a distortion filter to make it sound cooler? Well, we will end up adding frequencies which are multiples of the frequencies which made up the original trumpet sound. All this multiples are call harmonics.
def trumpetBase(length,freq,z=1.0):
while hc*freq<20000:
return sf.FixSize(vox)
How Sonic Field Represents Sounds:
package com.nerdscentral.audio;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import com.nerdscentral.audio.pitch.CubicInterpolator;
import com.nerdscentral.sython.SFMaths;
import com.nerdscentral.sython.SFPL_RuntimeException;
public abstract class SFSignal implements AutoCloseable
private final static AtomicLong uniqueId = new AtomicLong(0);
private final long myId;
protected final AtomicInteger referenceCount = new AtomicInteger(1);
public abstract boolean isKilled();
public abstract SFSignal replicate();
private static ThreadLocal<String> pythonStack = new ThreadLocal<>();
public final SFData replicateEmpty()
return SFData.build(this.getLength());
public abstract double getSample(int index);
protected SFSignal()
myId = uniqueId.incrementAndGet();
* Returns a linearly interpolated sample based on the samples either side of the the passed index. This is used for super
* sampling or pitch effects.
* @param index
* @return
public final double getSampleLinear(double index)
double s = SFMaths.floor(index);
double e = SFMaths.ceil(index);
if (s < 0 || e >= getLength())
return 0;
if (s == e) return getSample((int) s);
double a = getSample((int) s);
double b = getSample((int) e);
return ((index - s) * b + (e - index) * a);
* Returns a cubic interpolated sample based on the samples either side of the the passed index. This is used for super
* sampling or pitch effects. Cubic interpolation uses two samples either side of the required point and so at the ends of
* the sample this will fall back to linear interpolation.
* @param index
* @return
public final double getSampleCubic(double index)
int s = (int) SFMaths.floor(index);
int e = (int) SFMaths.ceil(index);
if (s < 0 || e >= getLength())
return 0;
if (s > getLength() - 3 || index < 1)
if (s == e) return getSample(s);
double a = getSample(s);
double b = getSample(e);
return ((index - s) * b + (e - index) * a);
return CubicInterpolator.getValue(getSample(s - 1), getSample(s), getSample(s + 1), getSample(s + 2), index - s);
public abstract double setSample(int index, double value);
public abstract int getLength();
public abstract void setAt(int pos, SFSignal data) throws SFPL_RuntimeException;
public abstract void setFrom(int pos, SFSignal dataIn) throws SFPL_RuntimeException;
public abstract double[] getDataInternalOnly();
* Get a globally unique identifier for this SFSingal
* @return
public final long getUniqueId()
return myId;
public abstract void release();
public void close() throws RuntimeException
int c = referenceCount.decrementAndGet();
if (c == 0) release();
else if (c < 0) throw new RuntimeException(Messages.getString("SFSignal.1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void incrReference()
public SFSignal __pos__()
return this;
public SFSignal __neg__()
return this;
public int getReference()
return referenceCount.get();
public void decrReference()
public static String getPythonStack()
return pythonStack.get();
public static void setPythonStack(String ps)
public void clear()
// NOOP on root class
This is the abstract root class for all signal data in Sonic Field. It is a bit of a mess to be honest, the perfect example of a one person generated class which has ended up a little unfocused. However, it works and concrete sub-classes of this make up generators and memory mapped file handling. We can also see a bunch of code for integrating with Python in a nice way and for explicit resource management; normal Java garbage collection is no use for memory mapped file based storage!
So what is a generator?
The basic architecture of synthesis ends up being (you can argue theoretically about this, but in reality this is what happens):
- Make a signal
- Manipulate that signal making a new signal
- Repeat until the wanted sound appears
The obvious architecture is then to:
- Signals are samples.
- Read samples.
- Apply and algorithm.
- Write samples.
We represent samples as indexed sequences of double . Therefore, for the above model, each sound manipulator algorithm reads from a sequence and writes out to a sequence. However, this involves a huge amount of memory access and memory access is very slow. When we run out of memory the operating system starts flushing data to the memory mapped files to help cope; reading and writing then becomes even slower. Consider a manipulation like this:
- Distort a signal using the ‘Saturate’ algorithm
- Halve the resulting volume
- Mix with another signal
We do not need to create intermediate data storage for these steps, they can be chained together. This is what generators do; they chain with other generators overriding the getSample method. Here is the saturate implementation:
public static class Translator extends SFSingleTranslator
protected Translator(SFSignal input)
public double getSample(int index)
double x = getInputSample(index);
double y = x >= 0 ? x / (x + 1) : x / (1 - x);
return y;
static class Translator extends SFMultipleTranslator
protected Translator(List<SFSignal> input)
public double getSample(int index)
double d = 0;
for (int mindex = 0; mindex < getNMembers(); ++mindex)
d += getInputSample(mindex, index);
return d;
Why generators are not the solution to everything:
# Read the signal
# Filter it
# Split it
# Add Haas effect
left = sf.Concatenate(sf.Silence(30),left)
# Write it out
In cases like this we also do not want the signal being non sequentially processes to be a generator. To cope with such situations we have the ‘realise’ method which converts generators to ‘real’ signals but has no effect on those which are already storage backed.
Similarly, consider white noise. This is ‘random’ so one might think it could easily be created from a generator. However, we want the same point in a signal (say sample 112121) to always have the same value each time we read it. So, in effect, white noise must be ‘recorded’ into a real data store. Finally we have the filters which have an internal state. Things like low pass filters are implemented as a state machine. That state is based on the order in which samples are passed through the filter. As such, they cannot be implemented as a generator as samples in Sonic Field are random access exactly because we might want to do things like granulate!
How Java Is Terrible At Memory Management (and approaching a solution):
Now we have some background to why managing audio data is such a challenge we are ready to see why Java is a bit of a catastrophe for managing memory. Java has garbage collection which means we do not know how much memory is actually being used. There are some forms of instrumentation which are supposed to tell us the amount of memory being used, but they are not very ‘real time’. In a C++ based system (for example) we could intercept malloc and know, to the byte, the amount of memory being used from the heap. This luxury is not given to us in Java. I tried, oh I tried so hard, to get a reliable way of estimating when the JVM was about to throw an out of memory exception; but as far as I can tell, there is no fail-safe way of doing so.
However, all is not lost as there is a usable work around. Indeed, the work around is always evolving and I would not be shocked it it became almost as effective as a hand crafted memory management system in C++ but with the platform independence of Java. It is not there yet, but it is getting there.
Memory Mapped Signal Pages
Memory mapped files are somewhat supported in Java. It is frustrating as anything that we can only memory map byte buffers and not double arrays; nevertheless, we can use them with the appropriate accessor methods. So, what Sonic Field does is have 2 megabyte ‘chunks’ which are ByteBuffers created by memory mapping a file. Using explicit resource management (thanks to Java 7) we know when a chunk is being used and when it is free. When one is freed it is added to a ConcurrentLinkedDeque of free chunks. This means our chunks are recyclable. How about we take a look at some of the code which does this:
tempDir = new File(System.getProperty(SONIC_FIELD_TEMP));
String swapLimitraw = System.getProperty(SONIC_FIELD_SWAP_LIMIT);
if (swapLimitraw == null)
swapLimit = MAX_IN_RAM; // 64 megabytes or 87 seconds at 96000
swapLimit = Long.parseLong(swapLimitraw);
chunkLen = swapLimit / 2;
String pid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
if (tempDir != null)
coreFile = File.createTempFile("SonicFieldSwap" + pid, ".mem", tempDir); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
coreFile = File.createTempFile("SonicFieldSwap" + pid, ".mem"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
// Now create the actual file
coreFileAccessor = new RandomAccessFile(coreFile, "rw"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
channelMapper = coreFileAccessor.getChannel();
Here we can see the creation of the swap file (the name I use for the memory mapped file). The most important thing is that we get the channel for the swap file. This is the object we can then use for memory mapping. Now we can see the code which creates the mapping for a new SFData object:
private void makeMap(long size) throws IOException
long countDown = size;
int chunkCount = 0;
while (countDown > 0)
countDown -= chunkLen;
countDown = size;
chunks = new ByteBuffer[chunkCount];
chunkCount = 0;
while (countDown > 0)
ByteBuffer chunk = freeChunks.poll();
if (chunk == null) break;
chunks[chunkCount] = chunk;
countDown -= chunkLen;
if (countDown > 0)
synchronized (coreFile)
long from = coreFile.length();
while (countDown > 0)
ByteBuffer chunk = channelMapper.map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, from, chunkLen);
chunks[chunkCount] = chunk;
from += chunkLen;
countDown -= chunkLen;
It is lovely and simple! We just use up chunks on the free ‘stack’ and if there are not enough to represent all the signal we create a few more until we have enough. I use a deque as a stack because the most recently added chunk is also most likely not to be ‘swapped out’ by the operating system; optimum performance is achieve by reusing the same chunks over and over. There is no concurrent stack in the standard JDK, so the deque made a good choice.
It is worth noting that recycling the last used chunk rather and using a first in first out approach gave a huge performance improvement on my machine. When I tried a first in first out approach the system would run fast until swapping started and then slow right down as it constantly read back in swapped out chunks. This was a complete waste of time because the swapped out chunks contained data that was not going to be used again. By recycling last in first out, this performance issue disappeared and Sonic Field achieved very efficient use of the operating system file cache and virtual memory systems.
Using explicit resource management, we can ensure that chunks which are no longer required get reused:
public void close() throws RuntimeException
int c = referenceCount.decrementAndGet();
if (c == 0) release();
else if (c < 0) throw new RuntimeException(Messages.getString("SFSignal.1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
Yes, Sonic Field uses reference counting. This is tide into the explicit resource management in that SFSingal implements AutoCloseable. I will discuss the mechanism behind this a little more when we discuss the way the Java interacts with Python. However, what matters for now is that when the reference count hits zero ‘release()’ is called:
public void release()
for (ByteBuffer chunk : chunks)
chunks = null;
Release is responsible for putting the now unused chunks back onto the free deque. As the free deque is concurrent, we do not have to use synchronization blocks anywhere other than when creating new chunks.
![]() |
Heavy disk IO as the OS starts serialising blocks of the memory mapped file to disk |
from java.lang import System
for x in range(1,10):
for z in range(1,5):
for y in range(1,5):
for x in range(1,10):
for z in range(1,5):
print t1-t0
![]() |
Sonic Field using 48 Gig of swap file on a machine with 16 Gig of RAM |
Times using a byte buffer only:
A Quick Note On Caching
To finish this section on memory management, here is a piece of music which required a 48G swap file. This entire 32.5 minute sound scape, including all the reverberation, harmonic excitation and delay effects were all done in Sonic Field using double precision floating point mathematics at 96 000 samples per second. When I say it like that, I guess it is not such a shock that it took a lot of resources!
What Is Arbitrary Complexity Ab-initio Synthesis?
These early pioneers created what we now think of as the ‘principles of synthesis’ and by so doing formed a wonderful working model for people to learn but also restricted creativity. Computational and digital synthesis tends to continue to follow the same path as the original analogue work. It is real time (press a key and out comes sound) and restricted (there are a fixed number of digital sound sources and filters etc). “Arbitrary complexity” simply means that there is no upper limit to the number of filters, oscillators and such that can be used. One key concept behind Sonic Field (which I have not yet quite gotten around to implementing) is that it can function in a cloud environment an coordinate an arbitrarily large number of nodes to create an arbitrarily complex piece of music or soundscape. Whilst the implementation is not quite there yet, the current architecture is very much suited to this approach.
There exists a completely different sort of digital sound creation which some people call synthesis (but I do not). This is sample looped based. Here sounds are recorded or created digital and stored as a ‘sample’ of that sound. These samples are then played back in a loop to create the notes heard. This is not ‘from first principles’ because the sounds already existed. Creating sounds by the direct manipulation of mathematical equations or the direct application of electronic circuits creates the sounds from first principles. This is where ‘ab-initio’ comes from.
So Why Java?
- I originally intended to run Sonic Field on top of hadoop so processing could be distributed in a cloud. I might well still do something like this. Java’s serialisation system and the maturity of the tooling around cloud computing in Java makes it an ideal candidate.
- Heavy multi-threading is more mature in Java than in C++. At the time is started the project C++11 was only just coming on line, so the contrast was even more stark.
- Being able to run Sonic Field anywhere and not having to recompile it for different platforms has been a huge benefit. I have run it on Windows, Linux and (almost exclusively for a couple of years now) on the Mac. I have never had to change a line of code to do these things.
- I like doing strange things which people do not expect; proving Java can handle large scale mathematical calculations has a perverse fun streak running through it!
An Aside On Threading
I said Java was good for threading. If you know anything about Python in C you will know it is single threaded (well, the interpreter is through a thing called the global interpreter lock). Jython is very multi-threaded. One of the driving concerns in Sonic Field has always been parallel execution be that via clustering or local threading. So I think it is time we took a look at the current threading model in Sonic Field (which changes almost as often as the memory management).
import threading
import time
from java.util.concurrent import Executors, TimeUnit
from java.util.concurrent import Callable, Future
from java.lang import System
from java.lang import ThreadLocal
from java.lang import Thread
from java.util.concurrent import TimeUnit
from java.util.concurrent.locks import ReentrantLock
SF_MAX_CONCURRENT = int(System.getProperty("synthon.threads"))
print "Concurrent Threads: " + SF_MAX_CONCURRENT.__str__()
SF_POOL = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
class sf_callable(Callable):
def __init__(self,toDo):
def call(self):
return self.toDo()
class sf_futureWrapper(Future):
def __init__(self,toDo):
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.get())
def get(self):
if self.gotten:
return self.result
return self.result
def __pos__(self):
return +obj
def __neg__(self):
return -obj
class sf_getter(Future):
def __init__(self,toDo):
def get(self):
return self.result
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.get())
def __pos__(self):
return +obj
def __neg__(self):
return -obj
class sf_taskQueue(ThreadLocal):
def initialValue(self):
return []
class sf_superFuture(Future):
def __init__(self,toDo):
if len(queue)>SF_MAX_CONQUEUE:
def submit(self):
def submitAll(self):
def get(self):
while not hasattr(self,'future'):
r = self.future.get()
return r
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.get())
def __pos__(self):
return +obj
def __neg__(self):
return -obj
def sf_do(toDo):
return sf_superFuture(toDo)
def shutdown_and_await_termination(pool, timeout):
if not pool.awaitTermination(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS):
if not pool.awaitTermination(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS):
print >> sys.stderr, "Pool did not terminate"
except InterruptedException, ex:
def shutdownConcurrnt():
shutdown_and_await_termination(SF_POOL, 5)
# Form A
def mixer(siga,sigb):
return sf.CrossMultiply(
We can convert that into running in parallel simply by making the bulk of the work happen in a closure:
# Form B
def mixer(siga,sigb):
def mixerInner():
return sf.CrossMultiply(
return sf_do(mixerInner)
I love this because it requires so little syntax and just works. sf_do creates a future for the execution of the closure. The snag comes when we want to use that future. Because in the Java world we need the result (a signal) not a future. How can we fix this type safety issue? Despite the parallel submission code being written in Python it uses java.util.concurrent.Future from the JDK. This means we can dynamically dispatch of the instance type of arguments. All Sonic Field processors convert their argument dynamically from Object to what ever they require. They do this via the static methods on the com.nerdscentral.synthon.Caster class. The key one of those methods being this:
public static Object checkAutoTranslation(Object o) throws SFPL_RuntimeException
if (o instanceof Future)
Future doer = (Future) o;
Object d = doer.get();
return checkAutoTranslation(d);
catch (Throwable t)
throw new SFPL_RuntimeException(t);
if (o == null)
throw new SFPL_RuntimeException(Messages.getString("Caster.12")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return o;
Naturally, tasks can submit tasks, so the system must be recursive. It will keep calling get() on Futures until it find a non Future result. However, you might have noticed that the code for creating futures is not as simple as it might be. What is a ‘SuperFuture’? This is a huge challenge. There is a finite number of threads available on any computer; when we have tasks submitting new tasks and each is in a new thread we can exhaust the maximum number easily. The classic solution is to use a thread pool. Sadly, if say we have 16 threads in a pool then one task submits 2 and then those submit 2 each and then those submit 2 each we have 1+2+4+8=15 threads. If any of the new leaf tasks then submit tasks we will see the pool exhausted. This means they the new tasks queue up for the pool to empty. But the pool never empties because it is full of blocked threads which are waiting for the completion of tasks which are queued up.
SuperFutures work around this because they can either result in a true Future which is asynchronously executed or they can, if the pool is getting dangerously full, be executed serially. i.e. a SuperFuture converts into either a Future (parallel) or Getter (serial) when it is executed. Its execution is delayed until an input queue hits a particular size of the result of the SuperFuture is requested from another Future or Getter. This delay effect helps fine grained tasks to end up as Getters and their parents to be the Futures.
I have not implemented a full work stealing system because the complexity of working out the dependencies in the Python puts me off. I want the system to be easy to use and I have not worked out an easy to use work stealing system yet; so for now the super future appraoch appears to work OK.
Wrapping It Up?
What I hope I have shown is how some of the ‘heavy engineering’ in Sonic Field has allowed something one would often not associated with Java – huge scale mathematics – to work rather cleanly in this language. Sonic Field has taught me so much about practical threading issues, real memory management challenges and effective flexible processing architecture. I hope that at least some of these concepts will be of use to you the reader.
This post is part of the Java Advent Calendar and is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution license. If you like it, please spread the word by sharing, tweeting, FB, G+ and so on!
Author: Alexander Turner
Life long technologist and creative.
Rüdiger Möller December 26, 2014
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Rüdiger Möller December 26, 2014
This comment has been removed by the author.